Ticket Creation


New ticket comes into the system.


    "CommunityName": "yourCompany",
    "EventType": "ticket_creation",
    "TicketId": 4478963,
    "Events": [
            "InboxLink": "https://inbox.socialboards.com/yourCompany/tickets?ticketId=4478963",
            "Ticket": {
                "Attachments": [],
                "Author": {
                    "Id": "35692164-bfaa-4c49-a23c-ecfa618f7d20",
                    "Name": "Robert Baker",
                    "Image": null,
                    "Email": "robert78baker@gmail.com",
                    "Status": "client",
                    "IsBot": false
                "Category": {
                    "Id": 15721,
                    "Name": "Other cases"
                "CreationTime": "2019-12-17T08:03:48.318717+01:00",
                "DetailedSource": "web_website",
                "Id": 4478963,
                "LastThreadElementCreationTime": "2019-12-17T08:03:48.318717+01:00",
                "LockedBy": null,
                "Message": "I want to take my cat to a vet",
                "OriginalLink": null,
                "Properties": {
                    "IsAnonymized": false,
                    "IsMuted": false,
                    "HasAttachments": false,
                    "HasDraft": false,
                    "IsAssignedToBot": false,
                    "IsDeleted": false,
                    "IsExpired": false,
                    "IsHidden": false,
                    "IsLocked": false,
                    "IsSpam": false,
                    "IsSensitive": false
                "ReplyCount": 0,
                "IsMuted": false,
                "Sentiment": "question",
                "Source": "web",
                "SourceName": null,
                "Status": "open",
                "Tags": [],
                "Title": "Cat is ill",
                "HtmlMessage": "I want to take my cat to a vet"
            "TicketId": 4478963,
            "EventTime": "2019-12-17T08:05:48.318717+01:00"

Last updated

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