Ticket Tags Change
Tickets tags were updated (added new or delete existing).
"CommunityName": "yourCompany",
"EventType": "ticket_tags_change",
"TicketId": 4478963,
"Events": [
"InboxLink": "https://inbox.socialboards.com/yourCompany/tickets?ticketId=4484636",
"PreviousTicketTags": [],
"Ticket": {
"Attachments": null,
"Author": {
"Id": "7c0a344a-c369-4e27-9840-88257a56e835",
"Name": "Bill Smith",
"Image": null,
"Email": "bill_smith@gmail.com",
"Status": "client",
"IsBot": false
"Category": {
"Id": 15597,
"Name": "Customers"
"CreationTime": "2019-12-18T19:00:03.6368531+01:00",
"DetailedSource": "web_website",
"Id": 4484636,
"LastThreadElementCreationTime": "2019-12-18T19:00:03.6368531+01:00",
"LockedBy": null,
"Message": "Hello I want to buy a new car, how can I get a price list?",
"OriginalLink": null,
"Properties": {
"IsAnonymized": false,
"IsMuted": false,
"HasAttachments": true,
"HasDraft": false,
"IsAssignedToBot": false,
"IsDeleted": false,
"IsExpired": true,
"IsHidden": false,
"IsLocked": false,
"IsSpam": false,
"IsSensitive": false
"ReplyCount": 0,
"IsMuted": false,
"Sentiment": "question",
"Source": "web",
"SourceName": null,
"Status": "open",
"Title": "New car price list.",
"HtmlMessage": "Hello I want to buy a new car, how can I get a price list?",
"Tags": [
"TicketId": 4484636,
"EventTime": "2019-12-19T09:03:03.6368531+01:00"
Last updated
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